We provide the ability to ensure your computers and assocaited systems are secure and regularly updated and remain that way. Support includes the removal of spyware, malware, trojans or other hostile and unwanted applications. Most of our support is provided remotely in order to keep costs to a minumum. We do accept computers that are delivered to us if computers cannot be fixed remotely.The information provided on this website is provided to allow our family, friends and paying customers useful sources for finding guidance, free and commercial software for private use. We also provide support to small business companies or users on a complete range of office systems, including onsite consultantly and deployment of network and infrastructure solutions for small business.
We use freeware and opensource software if an appropriate software packages exist. We also recommend software and provide guidance for our users, ensuring they stay protected and prevent future problems.Non Family Members, Other relations and business may pay (via Paypal or Cheque) to obtain remote support.
We provide this service to anyone, you may bring your computer to our office for diagnostics, hardware or software repair, if it cannot be performed remotely. We also perform hardware upgrades and system rebuilds.
Please use the following link (Uses VNC One Click) to allow us to access your PC. Otherwise VNC, Logmein, Teamviewer or GotoAssist may be used.Click Here to Download Helpdesk
(This link is only used to allow me access your computer the first time. We will not respond unless you have have already contacted us by phone first. After this we will install (with permission) remote access software and update your computers remotely, generally on a monthly basis, unless a major security patch needs to be deployed. You will have control of the remote support account and it's password / key. This will need to be provided to us again in the future if additional support is requried.
Please use Google / Yahoo / Ask / Bing to search for answers to common questions for software applications not relating to your operating system, antivirus, firewall, antispy or other security software. This will generally provide you with the most cost effective method of fixing your computer. However if in doubt, pick up the phone and ask..
If you have just installed some software and believe this caused the problem try a system restore and then restart your computer before contacting us.
If you are getting error messages, blue/black screens, virus warnings etc then email or text me. Trying to fix these errors if you are not certain what you are doing can cuase more damage than the original problem.
The following links may be useful forthe removal of spyware and virus Spyware and Malware Removal Guides and Reading Room Malware Removal
Hijackthis online checkers (please note this are not as good as a professional http://www.hijackthis.de/ http://hjt.networktechs.com/
General Information
Please use the following simple installer site to install your software www.ninite.com. It has links to most of the popular software listed below.
Do not open email attachments or look at emails unless you know the sender, and remember the sender address can be easily 'spoofed'. So do not open attachments unless you are expecting them. If in doubt call the person sending it or upload the file to Virus Total or Virscan
Use Gmail, Yahoo Mail or MS Live Mail for online mail (Imap or pop3 to download to thunderbird/outlook on your local PC if you wish)
Backup your files regularly (Weekly) Use Mozy Free or Skydrive and Gladinet or another online backup (remember your passwords please!) also backup to a local external drive. (Check you get your Outlook and other documents as well)
Backup Guides:DC Backup Guide or LH Backup Guide
Image your computer using free software
Clean Up
Clean up temporary files on your drive using something like Glary Utilities or CCleaner (Slim Build)
If you do a large amount of downloading defragment your drive after cleaning up the temporary files
Disk Check
Run CrystalDiskInfo to check your hard disk is not failing, anything but GOOD consider replacing your drive. Advance users may try MHDD (Dos) - Gives access times to each sector.
Ensure all windows updates are downloaded and installed - Windows Update
Ensure other application updates are downloaded and installed - FileHippo Update Checker
Ensure your Antivirus, AntiMalware and Firewall software are updated.
Choosing Firewalls - Firewall Challenge Results, Antivirus - AV Comparatives - Google for more results like Firewallguide.com and test your ports on www.grc.com
Other resources: Gizmo's Guide to Securing Your PC
Firewall suggestions - Outpost, Comodo, Online Armor. Antivirus suggestions - Avira, Microsoft Security Essentials, Avast, AVG. AntiSpy/Trojan suggestions - Malware Bytes, Super AntiSpyware
Use WOT (Web of Trust and others) to determine if sites are trustworthy.
Internet Speed and Quality checks
Internet speed and quality tests - speedtest (you should be above 2MB for broadband) pingtest (you should receive an 'A' rating)
Routers and Wireless
Ensure you use WPA2 on your wireless routers. NAT and SPI should be enabled - Contact me to review your settings as they vary by router. Please note some games require specific ports to be opened.
(Note: You must change the default settings for WEP/WPA or disable them and the default passwords as they are widely available. BT Homehub and Speedtouch/Thomson are very vulnerable)
Spotify, Pandora
I will update this website with other useful links as they are suggested or if frequently used.
Thankyou to you all. P.
Phkm is owned and operated by Philip Sheppard. The contents of this page are Copyright (c). |
Last Edit: July 17, 2010 | Viewed 2 times per day |